Thursday, November 20, 2008

Mean Mr. Mustard's Magical Journey Through Branland

Bran flakes and mustard. 'Nuff said.
I put on my pants one leg at a time like everyone else (except on Sundays of course. Sunday is no pants day) but sometimes I do things that make people say, "hey, look at that guy! Golly, he's awesome. I want to be like that. I wonder if he wears pants on Sundays." I am talking, of course, about eating bran cereal flakes with mustard. Yes, I have gone and done what no man, woman or Andie Macdowell has ever done before. And don't those flakes look happy? Besides watery bowel movements there were no repercussions at all. So for all the people who thought it was a bad idea, in your face. Now out of my way! I've got a load in my pants.